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Born seeing auras, Chief 'Golden Feather' is proficient at recognizing and interpreting the electro-magnetic energy fields that surround and emanate from rocks, plants, minerals, animals, and people, including prenatal beings. This visceral gift of aura-vision gives him the ability to discern on-body and off-body blockages and imbalances in the energy field, and to be perceptively aware of disturbances that may otherwise go unrecognized or evade diagnosis in more traditional, clinical venues.
Every person’s aura has a distinctive story to tell. Some colors twinkle or vibrate; others remain stationary. Where there is strife, discord, dis-ease, or a physical or emotional imbalance, there is generally discoloration or an agitation of energy in the form
of a vortex or whirlwind.
For mothers-to-be, who are expectant with child, Shaman is able to communicate directly with the essence in the womb and read the expected child’s energy. In instances in which he has created aura color drawings or portraits guided by the prenatal being, he has proven to be 100% accurate -- not only in ascertaining the yet undetermined gender of the expected child, but also in depicting a specific physical likeness, which proved to match that of the infant, almost identically, after birth.
In advance of meeting, all interested persons must submit via email these FOUR (4) PIECES OF REQUESTED INFO.
Please phone us to schedule at + 1 808 323 3238 between 2 -6 PM Hawaiian Time. This is our preferred means of contact; we do not text. If you are abroad and/or without toll-free USA phone service, then we invite you to CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT AN INQUIRY
In consideration for meeting certain CHARITABLE CONTRUBUTION THRESHOLDS, donors are granted the intangible spiritual benefit of participating in our sessions and programs, all of which are offered at no charge; none are sold in commercial transactions outside the donative context. The CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTION THRESHOLD for participating in an AURA READING is $375 per 2 1/2-hour private session. With advanced planning, this session may also be combined with HANDS-ON ENERGY WORK according to your needs and preference.

"This changed my life. The tools I took with me are priceless.” -- Guest, 2015